Refinery Sector
Crude oil refineries are critical in transforming raw crude oil into a spectrum of valuable commodities, including gasoline, diesel fuel, and heating oil.
Overview of Refining
Crude oil refining begins with a process known as distillation. In this stage, crude oil is heated at extreme temperatures. This heat breaks down the oil into a vapor. This vapor is then fed into a distillation tower, where it starts to cool down. As it cools, the vapor condenses, and different hydrocarbons (components of crude oil) separate based on their boiling points. This results in oil products with gases like methane at the top and heavier products like diesel and naphtha at the bottom.
The heavier fractions collected at the bottom of the distillation tower undergo further processes known as conversion or cracking. Finally, these products undergo treatment processes to meet quality standards to remove any remaining impurities. These treatments might include hydro-treating or sweetening. The end result is a range of valuable refined products, including gasoline and diesel fuel.

Overview of Refining
Crude oil refining begins with a process known as distillation. In this stage, crude oil is heated at extreme temperatures. This heat breaks down the oil into a vapor. This vapor is then fed into a distillation tower, where it starts to cool down. As it cools, the vapor condenses, and different hydrocarbons (components of crude oil) separate based on their boiling points. This results in oil products with gases like methane at the top and heavier products like diesel and naphtha at the bottom.
The heavier fractions collected at the bottom of the distillation tower undergo further processes known as conversion or cracking. Finally, these products undergo treatment processes to meet quality standards to remove any remaining impurities. These treatments might include hydro-treating or sweetening. The end result is a range of valuable refined products, including gasoline and diesel fuel.